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 Here are 5 Reasons Why You Can Wash Your Car After Rain

All vehicle owners of course agree if the lazy feeling of washing the car will be seen during the rainy season. The reason is the same leaning, namely the car will get dirty quickly when it rains again.

Indeed, rain is one of the causes of cars getting dirty. However, freeing the car not washed after exposure to rainwater is a fatal mistake that is often carried out by some large owners of four-wheeled vehicles.

Because, there are many risks that are not good that may occur in the condition of the car when leaving it unwashed after rain. One of them is the onset of rust on the car, in order to bring the impact of the appearance of car paint to be ugly.

Although actually wiping together alone is considered adequate to clean the car from rainwater, this step is not recommended so that the car is always durable. Therefore, know some reasons how important washing the car after the rain that has been summarized  from various automotive sources.

car wash
1. Salt Content in RainWater
The first reason that brings the impact you need to wash the car immediately after the rain is the percentage of salt contained in the rainwater. It is commonly known if rainwater comes from a collection of evaporating water. Of the many sources of moisture in the rain, some of the large certainly come from sea water.

It is this steam from sea water that brings a saline solution mixed in the rain. If left attached to the car, the percentage of salt will bring the impact of car paint quickly damaged and can invite rust.

Of course you do not want to look at rust or paint that fades just because you are lazy to wash the car after heavy rain. Therefore, immediately wash the car with special soap of the car so that the percentage of salt attached to the car paint can be lost.

2. RainWater Has Mixed Pollution
Not only water vapor, rain also settles pollution. When it rains, the pollutant will be carried away with rainwater and attached to the car.

Rainwater that has been mixed with pollution has a higher acidity level. Especially for those of you who live in urban areas that have adequately high pollution levels.

If left lingering attached to the car, it is not unlikely that rust will arise and cause physical damage to the car. Therefore, in order for no pollution to be attached to the car, you need to immediately take it to the nearest car wash area.

3. High Dissolved Oxygen Content
Iron that is often exposed to oxygen can react and turn on rust. Moreover, the oxygen contained in rainwater. Iron in the car will be easier to absorb oxygen and rust can be together easily appeared.

Although not visible to the naked eye, on the surface of the car certainly has microscopic-sized cracks that can be entered by oxygen dissolved in rainwater. This is the main cause of rust in the car and you should anticipate along with the steps of washing the car immediately.

Different with the steps to clean other dirt contained in rainwater, to get around the risk of rust because of the percentage of oxygen in rainwater, you just need to flush the car with clean water. However, in order for the car to be perfectly clean, washing the car together using special soap is always necessary.

4. Remove the Sand at the Bottom of the Car

Driving when it's raining will have the impact of a car carrying a lot of dirt. The rainwater that floods the streets must have mixed with sand and will be attached under the car.

If not cleaned immediately, the sand attached to the car will risk bringing the impact of the car's engine to break down quickly. As a result, the performance of the car becomes reduced, let alone become unfit for the road.

So that the problem does not happen to you, try to always wash the car after heavy rains. That way, the dirt on the bottom of the car can be lifted and bring the impact of the engine to be more durable.

5. Paint Becomes Soft 
If left too long, the water attached to the body of the car will bring the impact of paint more quickly soft. Paint that has softened will certainly become easier to look dull and bring the impact of the appearance of the car becomes less good. moreover, paint can easily peel off.

However, blocking rainwater attached to the car should also not be carried out together carelessly. If you wipe it, it is not unlikely that the percentage of salt contained in rainwater will bring the impact of the car scratched. Wash especially the car together well and dry it using a microfiber rag or Plas Chamois.

Keep The Car Clean
Most people think the rain is good because it can at the same time clean dirty cars. In fact, the rain only brings the impact of the car getting dirtier. Wash your car immediately if you want your car to look in good condition. Don't let your car get dirty for a long time. It's just going to have the impact of a car breaking down quickly.